Conoce Cervecería

cerveceria en GuatemalalaThe name Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A. Is part of the Guatemalan imagination since its founding in 1886, when brothers Mariano and Rafael Castillo Cordova materialized their dream.

Throughout its trajectory, the company has experienced two world wars and a great economic depression. Locally, a plague of influenza, two devastating earthquakes, an internal armed conflict of thirty-six years and an effervescent political life. All these vicissitudes have been confronted with hard work and confidence in Guatemala, which makes evident the will to believe, to bet on modernity and its constant renewal.

In addition, there has always been the continuous search for more efficient technology and a constant training of operators, with the faith of a better future for all. That is why day by day we live our motto: we believe, trust and invest in Guatemala.


cerveceria en Guatemalala

Throughout its 125-year history, Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A. has believed, trusted and invested in Guatemala.

From the early days of its founders, to this day, the company’s VISION has been to encourage the country’s economic growth through the hard work of those hundreds of men and women that have left a mark, and those that are currently a part of the large beer brewing family. Our legacy is one of faith and the BELIEF that we can build a better nation for future generations.


Cerveceria guatemalteca de tradiciónWe believe in our country, we wish for peace and the harmonious co-existence of its people; we believe in the permanent improvement for all of its inhabitants and in the good use of opportunities for them.

we believe in family life, because it is there that one finds the feelings and values which are fundamental to personal relationships, because security, stability, fraternity and mutual respect become part of the society made up by its members; and because within family, interests translate into forgiveness, into the overcoming of obstacles, into happiness of sharing achieved accomplishments and the search for everyone’s wellbeing.

We believe in building a united, supportive and generous society, whose actions are based upon the truth and justice, a society that is guided by the appropriate use of liberty.

We believe in love for ones country, in friendship and sincerity; in the authenticity of our people that commit and devote themselves to a job that is responsible and honest, a job that is the means of dignified work and the source of livelihood and that serves to strengthen a healthy and happy society in which we all triumph and succeed.

We believe in reflecting upon man’s co-existence with nature, in generating a sustainable world, in leadership that takes nature into account, wherein we all get involved, through different conservation processes of our natural resources in order to redirect the destiny and history of our planet.

We believe in dreaming with passion, and in the magic that lies within the imagination; because these know no limits and lead us to accomplish the grandiose things that we are capable of doing with strong will, perseverance and effort.

We believe in each day, because God is present, shedding light on our life and guiding our way with the powerful force of love, hope and faith.

We believe, trust and invest in Guatemala.


Cerveza el galloCervecería Centro Americana, S.A. enfrenta el nuevo siglo con las mismas inquietudes de modernidad de sus fundadores. El espíritu permanece, permitiendo generar ideas innovadoras en toda la empresa.

El punto neurálgico de Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A. lo representa el área de producción, que en los últimos diez años se ha orientado a la configuración de una empresa amigable con el medioambiente, altamente productiva y consciente de mantener altos estándares internacionales de calidad. Este enfoque ha dado paso a cambios trascendentales como la nueva casa de cocimientos, la creación de nuevas bodegas, el diseño de un túnel de servicios para mantenimiento de equipos, la remodelación de la línea de refrescos, la edificación de silos de malta y cebada, así como el aumento de la capacidad de los tanques de reposo y fermentación.

Estos cambios conllevan un mejor uso energético. Por ejemplo, la energía del calor que genera la casa de cocimiento se utiliza en otros procesos de la empresa. Igual sucede con el gas carbónico originado de los procesos de fermentación, cuyo 30 % es recuperado y reutilizado.

Cerveceria de tradiciónInnovators in the brewing industry

The technological advances used not only help to improve performance but also guarantee quality and cleanness in the manufacture of Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A. products.

That's why it owns the CIP system of self-cleaning of tanks and pipes, which achieves in its equipment a level of asepsis greater than that of an operating room. In addition, with the flash pausterización it dynamizes the production and maintains the high level of quality. Currently there are two tunneling tunnels, an advantage few companies have, which allows them a versatility of production.

Malt and barley silos are the result of internal research processes. For years they were manually stowed, but now they are received in bulk and passed directly into storage. This entailed the construction of storage towers, scales and specialized warehouses that today are an example to follow in the brewing industry.

Technology for environmental care

The use of state-of-the-art technology and other actions of Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A. Are focused on taking care of and safeguarding the environment.

The saving of 70% of water in the industrial process is the result the last technology application, optimal cleaning and recycling systems and consumption control systems. Much of the water used is used again for other plant production services. The foregoing had as a preamble a number of initiatives that include the redesign of drainage and water storage systems.

Cerveceria guatemalteca de tradiciónInvesting in an eco-friendly chimney helps mitigate impurities of gases and particles. This chimney cleans the smoke by means of waste water, which helps to avoid the greenhouse effect. Another contribution in energy efficiency is the installation of new electrical and natural lighting systems in all new constructions. In addition, the latest and most modern machinery, such as the new liter bottling plant, reduces energy consumption and 60% water. To this is added the bottling of cans, which packs one thousand units per minute.

The success achieved is also due to the fact that a quality culture based on good practices (order, cleanliness and care) has been established over time. Workers are continuously trained in the use of equipment and facilities comply with safety standards and ergonomic aspects for the benefit of the worker.

The future is marked by continued investment in technology to maintain international standards in perfect harmony with the environment. The goal is efficiency in productivity, without forgetting the needs and tastes of the consumer.


In recognition of its quality and adherence to environmental conservation standards, Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A. obtained the BS OHSAS 18001 approval in 2007, effective March 11, 2012 and, has been certified with ISOS 9001 in 2008, and 14001 in 2009, effective through March 13, 2013. Given its compliance with all of the requirements, the company quickly obtained the certification, in just six months.

As a member of the Asociación de Cerveceros Latinoamericanos (Latin American Brewers Association), Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A, maintains a friendly relationship and shares regional experiences with other Latin American breweries.


Gallo’s exceptional quality has been recognized since the beginning of its history. Obtaining its first Gold Medal at the International Exhibition of the Panama Canal in 1915. Internationally, Cervecería Centro Americana obtained Monde Selection’s Gold Medal, granted by the Institut pour la sélection de la qualité de Belgique (International Institute for Quality Selections, Belgium).

Founded in 1961, Monde Selection’s mission is to test the quality of consumer goods, granting a bronze, silver and gold medal to the top three winners each year. Among the products tested are beers, bottled water, soft drinks, liquors, food products, chocolates and cereal-based products manufactured around the world.

Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A., is the only brewery in Latin America, and only third in the world to obtain the Prestige Award for having obtained the Monde Selection Gold Medal for 10 consecutive years.The American Marketing Association, founded in 1993, with headquarters in New York, establishes the requirements under which a company or a brand will be selected to be a member of its Hall of Fame: it must be local and maintain quality standards. In December 2004, it chose Gallo as the first among other beer brands produced in the continent, to be elected into its Hall of Fame, placing it alongside other big brands like McDonald’s, Walt Disney, Kodak, Visa, Harley Davidson, Amazon and Taca.

Cerveceria guatemalteca de tradición Premios
Cerveceria guatemalteca de tradición Premios