Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A. enfrenta el nuevo siglo con las mismas inquietudes de modernidad de sus fundadores. El espíritu permanece, permitiendo generar ideas innovadoras en toda la empresa.
El punto neurálgico de Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A. lo representa el área de producción, que en los últimos diez años se ha orientado a la configuración de una empresa amigable con el medioambiente, altamente productiva y consciente de mantener altos estándares internacionales de calidad. Este enfoque ha dado paso a cambios trascendentales como la nueva casa de cocimientos, la creación de nuevas bodegas, el diseño de un túnel de servicios para mantenimiento de equipos, la remodelación de la línea de refrescos, la edificación de silos de malta y cebada, así como el aumento de la capacidad de los tanques de reposo y fermentación.
Estos cambios conllevan un mejor uso energético. Por ejemplo, la energía del calor que genera la casa de cocimiento se utiliza en otros procesos de la empresa. Igual sucede con el gas carbónico originado de los procesos de fermentación, cuyo 30 % es recuperado y reutilizado.
Innovators in the brewing industry
The technological advances used not only help to improve performance but also guarantee quality and cleanness in the manufacture of Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A. products.
That's why it owns the CIP system of self-cleaning of tanks and pipes, which achieves in its equipment a level of asepsis greater than that of an operating room. In addition, with the flash pausterización it dynamizes the production and maintains the high level of quality. Currently there are two tunneling tunnels, an advantage few companies have, which allows them a versatility of production.
Malt and barley silos are the result of internal research processes. For years they were manually stowed, but now they are received in bulk and passed directly into storage. This entailed the construction of storage towers, scales and specialized warehouses that today are an example to follow in the brewing industry.
Technology for environmental care
The use of state-of-the-art technology and other actions of Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A. Are focused on taking care of and safeguarding the environment.
The saving of 70% of water in the industrial process is the result the last technology application, optimal cleaning and recycling systems and consumption control systems. Much of the water used is used again for other plant production services. The foregoing had as a preamble a number of initiatives that include the redesign of drainage and water storage systems.
Investing in an eco-friendly chimney helps mitigate impurities of gases and particles. This chimney cleans the smoke by means of waste water, which helps to avoid the greenhouse effect. Another contribution in energy efficiency is the installation of new electrical and natural lighting systems in all new constructions. In addition, the latest and most modern machinery, such as the new liter bottling plant, reduces energy consumption and 60% water. To this is added the bottling of cans, which packs one thousand units per minute.
The success achieved is also due to the fact that a quality culture based on good practices (order, cleanliness and care) has been established over time. Workers are continuously trained in the use of equipment and facilities comply with safety standards and ergonomic aspects for the benefit of the worker.
The future is marked by continued investment in technology to maintain international standards in perfect harmony with the environment. The goal is efficiency in productivity, without forgetting the needs and tastes of the consumer.